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When you need professional shredding in Longmont

Shredding is the most widespread and popular method of paper and documents destruction today. It longmont shredding event is attracted by its cheapness (and even the opportunity to earn money by handing over paper waste), environmental friendliness, and sufficient reliability.

Organizations destroy documents on their own or use the services of companies engaged in the processing of secondary waste. Both options have some pros and cons.

Self-shredding of documents: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is that documents can be destroyed in stages on their territory, in addition, there is no need to allocate a lot of space for the temporary storage of materials selected for destruction. In this case, it is easier to ensure the security of documents and the information they contain. It is this option that is actively used in operational work, and in many organizations, the requirement for the mandatory destruction of documents in a shredder is included in internal regulations and is controlled by the security service. Disadvantages of the method: powerful shredders that can destroy large batches of documents are. Not every organization can afford these costs; a powerful semi-industrial shredder requires a separate room and qualified personnel. There is a problem of vibration and paper dust; it is required to organize the export of large volumes of paper pulp, for which the organization has to pay extra.

Shredding services of specialized firms

There are two directions in the organization of the work longmont paper shredding firms: the provision of paid and free services. With paid service after packing cases in boxes, the company often takes over all further work; documents can be regularly removed in already sealed boxes, and the company guarantees the confidentiality of their destruction. Cons: you have to pay for the destruction of each kilogram of documents; with the regular sending of documents for destruction, either frequent trips of the members of the expert commission to the place of destruction are required, or consent to receiving documents on destruction from the company, believing «on its word». A number of companies engaged in the processing of recyclable materials provide free services, which most often include: provision of a car and loaders, execution of documents for destruction (act, invoice), the possibility of the personal presence of representatives of the organization during the destruction of documents. The entire array of prepared documents is destroyed at once (although it may take a whole day), and the next visit can be planned in a year. These firms receive profits by handing over paper pulp for processing and receiving money from Recycled materials. The longmont recycle center is interested in large enough volumes, and if it is necessary to destroy a large volume of documents, they organize export to the place of destruction on their own; for export by the transport of the executing company, it is necessary to order a car and loaders in advance. But often shredding companies have mobile devices for shredding and their own movers in the state, so there is no need to look for these services additionally.


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